Cameron has a good friend named Anika Willis. They first met as toddlers when we lived in student housing at BYU. Matt and Andra moved in shortly after we did, to an apartment with doors that opened just across from ours onto the same porch. More often than not, in the summertime, both doors were open and Cameron and Anika would move back and forth quite freely. We all got to be very close friends.
Since then, we've stayed in good touch with the Willis family. While we were in Virginia, they were in New Jersey which was just close enough that we were able to spend some great Thanksgiving holidays together. Now, we all miss each other terribly since we're in Oregon while they're in North Carolina.
The turtle
A couple of months ago, we received Anika's Traveling Turtle in the
mail, (look at the adorable message she wrote to introduce it). The
plan was that we would write an entry about an animal and mail it on
to someone else to do the same. We even took it with us on our Spring
Break trip to the coast with full intentions to add an entry right
away. But "the best-laid plans" and all that. Cameron did make a
nice entry on the life cycle of a frog, and Hyrum did the same for
salmon. But we didn't have time to let the turtle do any more
traveling, (at least not through snail mail).
Thanks for the help
This web page was our last chance to help out Anika by letting her turtle do a little bit of virtual traveling. Several people responded by writing up various animals, (bobcat, Tasmanian devil, etc.), and sending those in. We really appreciate that!
Stacy has now sent the turtle back to Anika, and hopefully it arrived there safely. So we don't need any more animal reports. But thanks again for the help.